Eric   seppas


2023 GSA Gallery, Umeå Academy of Fine Arts Master exhibition, “A Cat Across the Street”, Stockholm

2022 Supermarket, Konsthall Kåddis, curator, installation, Skärholmen, Stockholm

2022 Sjungaregården, Untitled, installation, solo, Granö

2020 Konsthall Kåddis, Celebration of the dark side of life's circus, Group, Curator, Installation, Umeå

2020 Galleri Verkligheten, Group, Paintings, (Online) Umeå 

2020 Galleri Socker, 20x20x20, Sculpture, Group, Umeå 

2020 Skulpturpark Sparreholm, Sculpture, Sparreholm    

2019 Galleri Syster, Post peak society, Installation, Group, Luleå  

2019 Campus allegro Novia, De vita, solo, Jakobstad Finland

2019 Energiverket, DECONSTRUCting Identity, Sculpture, Group, Jakobstad Finland

2019 Gallery White Box, The Harmonic Broken Note Sheets, Installation, Solo, Jakobstad, Finland

2018 Örebro Konsthall, Now is the time, Installation, Performance, Örebro

2018 Konsthallen Örebro Universitetet Musikhögskola, Kosmisk kastrering 5x5, Painting, Örebro

2018 Sala silvergruva, Öppna hus konst vid och i gruvan, Paintings, Sculptures, Installations, Sala  

2018 Gallery Birgit Nilsson, Bipolära speglingar och subtila pseudovisioner, Installations, Tavlor, Artistbook, Örebro 

2017-2018 Atlas Copco, Satans demokrati, Performance and live painting, Stockholm Nacka

2017 Gallery Soho, Jul och vintermarknadsutställning, Tavlor, Teckningar, Västerås

2017 Sala silvergruva, Skräcknatten 2.0, Ljudinstallation, Sala

2017 Smedsbo, Smedsbodagarna, Tavlor, Hedensberg

2017 Saltskogård Liljevalchs, Vårutsällning, Installation, Södertälje Stockholm

2017 Ekoboden, Kaos in harmony, Soloutställning, Tavlor, Gnesta Stockholm

2016 Vårdinge Folkhögskola, Temaveckor, Installation, Stockholm

2016 Sala Silvergruva, Installationer, Performance, Sala 

2016 Societe KSK-Galleri, Höstpromenad i vår skog, Rumsinstallation, Västerås

2016 Societe KSK-Galleri, Höst & Horror Special edition, Rumsinstallation, Tavlor/skulpturer, Västerås

2016 Västerås Kulturnatt, Psychedelic mind, Skulptur, Streetart, Västerås

2016 Smedsbo, Smedsbofestivalen, Tavlor, Skulpturer, Workshop, Hedensberg

2016 Kollektivet Hönshuset, Konstprojekt Recycling, Skulpturer, Ytterjärna

2016 I Lasses Kvarter, Premiär, Skulptur, Västerås

2016 Societe KSK-Galleri, FORM – Betong, Trädd, Sten och Lera, Skulpturer, Tavlor, Installation, Västerås

2013 Deadly leaders, Installation, Västerås



Älvdalsinspirerad konstfestival startar upp, 2022

Västerbotten kuriren

Fem konsthändelser att se fram emot i vår, 2023

Västerbotten kuriren 

Storskaligt och med materialen i centrum, 2021

Västmanlands läns tidning

Sten, sax och påse – unga konstnärer återvänder till Västerås, 2021

Norrbottens kuriren 

Konst med utgångspunkt i framtidens vägskäl, 2019

Österbottens tidning 

Ny utställning i White Box, en resa i tid och rum, 2019

Nerikes Allehanda

Sista utställningen på universitetets konsthall sticker ut: "Bryta ihop får du göra någon annanstans”

"Eric Seppas combines painting and spatial installation in works that ask questions about our present time. He is interested in spatialities in both external and internal worlds, in group dynamics, and in relationships between spaces we share with others.

Seppas reacts to the growing polarisation of society and how this seep into our minds. People’s ideas seem to spread like viruses and create systems. Misunderstandings arise even though we actually share the same space. Positions and opinions become imperative as we are coloured by our surroundings, our friends and our families.........." - Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden, Curator, Kristina Buch, 2023

"Eric Seppas

To be in the installation is to stand in the middle of a chiasm, at a chiasmic cross-road. Surrounded by materials, that are made from iron oxide, we can see how the thermodynamics react to applications of heat and fire.

The colours have changed from yellow to red, and within the sculpture, the source of heat, generated from welding, allows rust to accumulate, as the sculpture reacts to its surrounding. A subtle but explosive centre-point that illustrates layers of transformation.

The white canvas is made by having a bed sheet drained in water, and used as a fire blanket to extinguish the fire from the three paintings hanging in the space. The sheet was then stretched on a spännram and framed. The floor acts as an obsidian mirror, encompassing the viewer within these different chemical structures and worlds in realtime. It is how time and surroundings interact between the entities that make life. Rust is a metaphor for a passenger in life.

'When I found ochre, the light and warmth iron oxides generates, the vivid vibrant relations it holds for me, and its sensitivity to its surrounding. This activates a stream of consciousness. The materials speak again.'

A correspondence. The space is opened, the space of a book - ochre/rust – leading from one to the other, a story of unstable, reactive shadows and time suspended. An inquiry moves in real time, a dramaturgy underpinning the essence of images. Opening the perception of the world. On the optical level there is something of a sending, on the chemical level there is something of a deposit.

Exhibited works, degree exhibition

Obsidian Chiasm, 2021, Steel sculpture. Paintings: Oil and fire on canvas. Floor: Alkyd, lacquer paint, iron oxide and boat varnish" Västerbotten museet, Umeå, Curator, Edith Marie Pasquier. 2022